Are there gyms in china?

I cant tell why most people are asking if there are gyms in China? The simplest answer is yes. China has quite huge number of world class gyms. Well, this blog post gives you in detail everything you need to know about Chinese gyms.

The concept of physical fitness and well-being isn’t new, and its evolution has spanned centuries, crossing various cultures and societies.

From the ancient Greek gymnasiums and Roman bathhouses to the Renaissance’s focus on human anatomy and today’s state-of-the-art fitness centers, the journey of health and fitness has been remarkable. Each era and civilization has had its unique approach to maintaining health, emphasizing various aspects like strength, agility, balance, or spiritual alignment.

Fast forward to the modern era, where the focus on physical health has intertwined with technological advancements, leading to an explosive growth of gyms, fitness apps, and wellness centers worldwide.

This global trend has not left any corner untouched, and a significant player in this global narrative has been China.

Over the last few decades, China has astounded the world with its rapid urbanization, transforming from a largely agrarian society to a bustling urban landscape. The rate of its economic growth has been nothing short of meteoric, positioning China as a significant global powerhouse.

Are there gyms in china? An overview

Before the buzz of modern gyms and fitness trends, China had a rich tapestry of traditional exercises that were deeply woven into its cultural fabric. These weren’t just physical exercises; they were spiritual journeys, ways of life.

  • Tai Chi: Originating as a martial art in 13th-century China, Tai Chi has evolved as a gentle form of exercise, often referred to as “meditation in motion”. Unlike the high-intensity workouts popular in the West, Tai Chi emphasizes slow, deliberate movements, deep breathing, and a harmonious balance between mind and body.
  • Qigong: Even older than Tai Chi, Qigong is a holistic system of coordinated body-posture, movement, breathing, and meditation. For over 4,000 years, it has been a cornerstone of Chinese health and spiritual practices.
  • Martial Arts: Beyond the serene movements of Tai Chi and Qigong, China is the birthplace of various martial arts forms, from Kung Fu to Wing Chun. These disciplines not only focus on combat techniques but also on harnessing inner strength, discipline, and spiritual growth.

The past few decades have seen China undergo a seismic shift. As cities expanded and populations migrated from rural to urban areas, the nature of daily life changed. Physical activities like farming and walking long distances were replaced by desk jobs and car rides.

This urban transition brought about a significant change in China’s fitness routines. While traditional practices like Tai Chi continued, there was a surge in the popularity of modern gyms, aerobic classes, and personal training.

Western fitness concepts started permeating Chinese society, yet they were often infused with a unique Chinese twist, blending the modern with the traditional.

Are there gyms in china?

If you are still not convince about this question, see this;

The proof, as they say, is in the pudding or in this case, the numbers. Over the past decade, there has been a noticeable spike in the number of gyms and fitness centers across major Chinese cities. For instance:

  • Beijing: From a mere 200 gyms in 2010, the number soared to over 1,500 by 2020.
  • Shanghai: The city saw a similar growth trajectory, with fitness centers numbering around 250 in 2010 and reaching over 1,700 by 2020.
  • Chengdu and Shenzhen: Both these cities also showcased a robust growth, each boasting over 1,000 fitness centers by 2020.

Top Key Players in the Chinese Gym Industry

China’s gym industry has seen the rise of multiple chains, each carving out its niche and drawing in countless fitness enthusiasts. Here’s a spotlight on some of the most prominent players:

Will’s Gym

Established in 2001, Will’s Gym has become one of China’s leading fitness brands. With its sleek interiors and a vast range of state-of-the-art equipment, it caters to a clientele that values quality and experience. Present in numerous Chinese cities, Will’s has become synonymous with upscale fitness in urban China.


Challenging the conventional gym model, Supermonkey offers unmanned gyms scattered throughout cities, often no bigger than a single room.

Using an app, fitness enthusiasts can book a workout slot at their convenience, making fitness both accessible and flexible. It’s a testament to how technology and fitness have interwoven in contemporary China.

Tera Wellness Club

Founded in the early 2000s, Tera Wellness Club is another major fitness chain in China with an expansive footprint. It emphasizes an integrated approach, offering both fitness training and health consultation services.

With a focus on creating a healthy lifestyle, Tera Wellness Club targets a wide demographic, from young professionals to senior citizens.

Services offered by the top gyms in China

  • Group Classes: From spinning and Zumba to aerobics and dance, group classes have become a significant draw. They foster a sense of community and make workouts fun and engaging.
  • Personal Training: For those who desire a tailored fitness regimen, personal trainers offer one-on-one sessions, ensuring that clients receive specialized attention and achieve their fitness goals.
  • Specialized Services: Recognizing the diverse needs of their clientele, many gyms have incorporated services like nutritional counseling, physiotherapy, and even spa treatments, transforming gyms into holistic wellness centers.

The Chinese Approach to Fitness

The globalized world has inevitably led to some convergence in fitness practices; however, the underlying motivations and approaches often differ based on cultural contexts.

Western Approach

In the West, fitness often leans towards aesthetics and performance. Whether it’s sculpting a beach-ready body, training for marathons, or achieving personal bests in lifting, the emphasis is frequently on visible and tangible results.

Chinese Approach

While aesthetics and performance are undeniably important for many Chinese gym-goers, there’s often a deeper holistic view. The aim isn’t just to look good but to ensure the body, mind, and spirit are in harmony. Fitness isn’t a mere activity but an integrated part of daily life, ensuring long-term health and longevity.

Balancing Exercises

Instead of solely focusing on high-impact and strength-based exercises, many Chinese gym-goers mix their routines with calming and balancing exercises. So, a strenuous weightlifting session might be followed by a Tai Chi class to ensure both the Yin and Yang aspects of fitness are addressed.

Holistic Health

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has long advocated the importance of holistic health – ensuring that physical, emotional, and spiritual elements are in equilibrium. This philosophy seeps into the fitness mindset as well. For many Chinese, fitness isn’t just about physical prowess but about overall well-being.

Fitness Apps

There’s a burgeoning market for fitness apps in China. Platforms like Keep, which offers workout tutorials, diet plans, and community interaction, have millions of users.

These apps are tailored to cater to the Chinese demographic, incorporating local exercises, diet tips, and even TCM-based advice.

Online Training Platforms

With the growth of the digital economy, many Chinese are turning to online platforms for fitness training. Live-streamed workout sessions, virtual personal trainers, and even AI-powered fitness advice are becoming increasingly popular.

Wearable Tech

The rise of smartwatches and fitness bands has allowed Chinese gym-goers to track their progress, monitor health metrics, and set personalized goals. Brands like Xiaomi and Huawei offer wearables that not only track steps or heart rate but also monitor sleep patterns and provide meditation guides.

Are there gyms in china
Image by Markus Spiske from Pixabay

Challenges in the Fitness Sector

  • Oversupply: As with any booming sector, there’s a risk of an oversaturated market. With new fitness centers cropping up at every corner, gyms face stiff competition to attract and retain customers. Not every gym can thrive, leading to a potential bubble where only the fittest (pun intended) survive.
  • Quality Over Quantity: With so many gyms available, there’s a varied range of quality. While some gyms offer top-notch facilities and trainers, others might not maintain the same standards, leading to potential dissatisfaction among customers.
  • Screen Addiction: From smartphones to gaming consoles, screens dominate modern life. The average screen time for many Chinese, especially the younger generation, is on the rise. Extended screen time often leads to decreased physical activity, posing a challenge to the fitness sector.
  • Sedentary Work Culture: The urban shift has seen a rise in desk jobs. Many urban Chinese spend their days seated, leading to issues like poor posture, back problems, and overall decreased physical well-being.
  • Diversification and Specialization: To stand out in a crowded market, many fitness centers are diversifying their offerings or specializing in niche areas. Whether it’s boutique fitness studios focusing on specific workouts or gyms that blend traditional Chinese practices with modern techniques, the key is differentiation.
  • Emphasizing Holistic Wellness: More than just physical fitness, many centers are turning towards holistic wellness. By incorporating aspects like nutritional guidance, mental health sessions, and relaxation techniques, gyms are positioning themselves as comprehensive wellness hubs.
  • Leveraging Technology: Instead of seeing technology as just a challenge, the fitness industry is using it as a tool. Virtual classes, online consultations, fitness trackers, and gamified workout challenges are ways in which gyms are ensuring that even if someone is behind a screen, they’re still moving.
  • Community Building: Recognizing the power of community, many gyms are fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie among members. Group classes, fitness events, and community challenges not only keep members engaged but also act as a strong retention tool.
  • Educational Campaigns: To counter sedentary lifestyles, many in the fitness industry, along with health professionals, are running campaigns highlighting the risks of inactivity and the benefits of regular exercise.

Chinese Government Initiatives on Gyms

The Chinese government, recognizing the importance of a healthy populace, has actively promoted fitness, especially outside the confines of traditional gyms.

Fitness Trails

Many cities have introduced fitness trails – paths designed not just for walking or jogging but interspersed with workout stations. These stations might include pull-up bars, balance beams, and other equipment, ensuring that a simple jog can become a full-body workout.

Public Workout Stations

In many parks and public areas, you’ll find workout stations with equipment catering to a variety of exercises. These stations, free to use, democratize fitness, ensuring that everyone, regardless of economic status, has access to workout tools.

Nationwide Fitness Campaigns

The government has launched numerous campaigns promoting fitness. From events like National Fitness Day to campaigns highlighting the benefits of regular exercise, there’s a concerted effort to make China move more.

Are there gyms in china? A concluding remark

China is a nation with millennia of history, stands today at an interesting crossroads. While it cherishes its age-old practices like Tai Chi and Qigong, it’s also fervently embracing the modern-day gym culture. This unique blend of the traditional and the contemporary paints a vivid picture of a nation in the throes of a fitness renaissance.

The urban skylines, dotted with state-of-the-art gyms, the parks resonating with the rhythm of communal dances, and the trails frequented by joggers at the crack of dawn all testify to the burgeoning fitness enthusiasm in China. It’s a testament not just to the nation’s economic growth but its commitment to holistic well-being.

For anyone, whether a local delving deeper into their fitness journey or a visitor keen to experience China’s active pulse, the fitness landscape of China offers an exhilarating playground. It beckons you to engage, explore, and immerse in a world where health, history, and community converge.

Have you danced in China’s vibrant parks? Experienced a heart-pumping workout at one of its modern gyms? Or perhaps you’ve felt the tranquility of a morning Tai Chi session? We  will be glad to hear from you.

If you found this exploration of China’s fitness world insightful, do share it with your friends or on your social media channels. Let’s celebrate and spread the word about the incredible fitness journey China is on.


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