11 Best Running Tips for Beginners

Are you a beginner in running and you wish to know tips that can help you get the best from your running sessions? If this is what you have been searching for Read this content till the last dot.

This content is about the Best Running Tips for Beginners. Read through it all to get all the information available here on this.

Best Running Tips for Beginners
Best Running Tips for Beginners

Best Running Tips for Beginners

Here are the best running tips for beginners

  1. Start with short running intervals

As a beginner, it won’t be right for you to start with running long distances, you can start out by engaging in short running intervals. After you must have done this for a while, you can begin with the increase in the length of your running as well as a reduction in the walking if you have been walking in intervals too.

You can start with having 2 minutes of jogging and alternating with 2 minutes of walking. Add up to your running intervals by one minute per workout until you can engage in the entire distance at a stretch without you having to walk.

For you not to lose motivation, engage in your first set of running sessions naturally without any expectations.

  1. Don’t begin with running too fast

You need to start gradually with your running, don’t be too fast. Remember your body needs to get used to the stress of running, so take it gradually.

A lot of beginners in running start out by jogging too fast and this may result in frustration, overexertion, and pain, it can even lead to injuries.  You can begin with running moderately. Maintain the same pace throughout the distance.

  1. Your body needs time to recover

Remember to give your body the needed rest before you work out again. While it is very good for you to work out, ensure to give your body the needed rest after each workout.

That is to say that you can engage in exercise today and rest the next day and then pattern your workout that way. This training will benefit you so much as a beginner and also help you avoid overuse injuries.

  1. Run easy and take short steps

As a beginner, you don’t need to run in a way that you use up a lot of energy, run with ease.

Your body builds the coordination you need to engage in the complex sequence of movements with every kilometer or mile that you run.

Engage in short and easy steps because they are more effective than the long steps that might slow down your momentum because of your being tired.

  1. Choose the right surface

As a beginner, running on diverse surfaces will be the best choice for your running surface. Though the surfaces you will run on are dependent on the specific workout.

So, going for the surface that will be more suitable for you as a beginner is the best option you got. Remember not to run on a surface that might get you injured.

  1. Don’t get worked up about side aches

When you notice you are experiencing side aches, take a break and walk. Press your hands against the side that you feel is paining you and don’t start running again, you relax till the pain stops. Don’t be so bothered about the pains, relax and make sure you stay away from running for some time to allow your body the required recovery.

  1. Make sure to cross-train

When you engage in other exercises as well you decrease the impact of the stress running places on your joints and spine.

Another benefit you get from getting involved in other exercises is that it reduces the possibility of getting bored as a result of engaging in a particular workout for a long.  So, ensure you engage in other sports activities in addition to your running.

  1. Eat the right diet and stay hydrated

Eating the right food will provide your body with the right nutrients that will aid you to perform at your best. So, while you exercise ensure you are eating the right food too. The right food as well as staying hydrated will aid in energizing your body for running and also give you the required support for recovery after your workouts.

For instance, when you take food containing carbohydrates, the carbs assist you in maintaining a store of glycogen in your muscles and this will be used during your workout for energy.

You can eat food that contains a high level of carbohydrates, and some protein and is low in fat and fiber hours before you get to run like taking a banana smoothie made with low-fat milk, porridge with fruit, or a jacket potato with tuna. When you are done with your workout, replenish with a high-level carbohydrate snack.

Make sure you ensure you are hydrated by regularly drinking enough water all through the day. You can take other fluids like sports drinks too, but if it is for a short workout, then water is enough. For long runs or high-intensity exercises, you can take sports drinks.

  1. Mix things up to stay motivated

It is not easy to stay motivated when you are starting a new workout procedure. So, you can make it fun by running through new areas in your location, using apps to check areas you can run through or even to track your running and as well connect to your running friends.

You can add up yoga or Pilates, or low-impact exercises like swimming, or cycling. To make it more fun you can also decide to listen to podcasts, audiobooks, or music while you run. But ensure to keep the volume at a level you can still hear what is happening around you.

  1. Wear the right clothing

Ensure you wear the right clothing when you are running.  You need a pair of running shoes or trainers and some comfortable clothing. Make sure you use clothes that fit you well and you are comfortable wearing, to avoid issues like your shorts falling down.

Also, ensure you choose supportive shoes that will help you reduce your chances of getting injured.

It is not compulsory for you to wear expensive workout clothing as long it is suitable for the season you want to work out.

That is to say if outside is hot and you want to work out, wear loose-fitting clothing made from breathable fabrics to ensure you stay cool.  You can as well wear a cap, sunscreen, and sunglasses on sunny days.

During cold or rainy days, you can wear long-sleeved layers and a windproof as well as a waterproof jacket so you can run comfortably without any issues. Wear reflective clothes that can make you be seen clearly if you are to run when it is dark.

  1. See what works for you

As a beginner in running, there might be periods of trial and error when you are just getting started. For instance, taking a snack an hour before you run might not feel good in your stomach the first time, and this can still work well for someone else who thinks taking a snack before they run feels good.

Then what time of the day do you prefer to run? Is it in the morning, afternoon, or evening? Since it works differently for different people, you need to stick to what works for you and then set your goals putting what works for you into consideration.


If you can follow these tips as a beginner, you will enjoy your running sessions and still get the best from them. Remember to get advice from your doctor before you start if you have any health issues.

Have this in mind. Engaging in any physical activity is better than not engaging in any at all. No matter the distance you run, it counts as part of the recommended 150 minutes of physical activity weekly.

Exercise has so many benefits for your physical and mental health and running is a great way to be physically active. Get started today and follow the tips and get the results you need by ensuring you are consistently engaging in running.

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